10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Amla

by - January 17, 2018

Health Benefits Of Amla

Heal Yourself With Amla

Indian Gooseberry (Amla)  is a rich source of Vitamin-C and also contains Phosphorous, Calcium, Iron, and Carbohydrates which makes it a healthy fruit. However, it is not as tasty as much tasty as orange but it is one of the best citrus fruit due to excess of Vitamin-C.
Amla Benefits

Many of the Indian Families use Amla in their day to day routine in many forms, like Amla Juice Amla Muraba, Amla Powder, and Amla Achar. In Ayurveda due to its enormous benefits and uses, they use it as a Medicine. 

I have listed some of the good benefits of Amla for health -  

1. Hair Growth

Amla is rich in anti-oxidants, so helps to improve the blood circulation of the scalp which leads to strengthening the hair roots and nourish the hairs. You can drink its amla juice or apply amla paste on your head. Regular use will help you to fight Dandruff, hair fall and even help turn grey hairs to black but yes it takes time.


2. Improve Eyesight

You can improve your eyesight with the use of amla. It will help you to remove eyestrain, soothes the eyes and helps to get rid of dry eyes due to rich in Vitamin-C. It is found that from some research that amla can help to cure cataract and reduce eye muscle degeneration.

3. Get Rid Of Constipation

By being a Vitamin-C rich fruit it helps reduce the excess body heat. The protein present in it helps to boost metabolic activities. So, using  Amla Churana with lukewarm water will help you to improve your digestion and get rid of constipation.

4. Improve The Immunity Of Body.

Amla improves the immune system of the body by balancing vaat-Pitt-Kapha in our body and rejuvenate the body to fight against the disease-causing virus and bacteria. It also reduces fatigue in the body. 

5. Improve Heart Health.

Amla contains an excess of antioxidants which helps in improving blood circulation by improving blood pumping activities of the heart and makes the heart healthier and protect it from heart diseases.

6. Helps To Lose Weight

As we know Amla boost the metabolic activities and improve digestion. So we can also reduce weight by drinking Amla Juice daily in the morning by mixing 10-20 ml of Amla Juice with the same amount of water. You can notice the results in 1-2 months. But if you want serious results you have to a main good routine and a system.

You Can Read About A Proven System For Weight Loss - Here

7. Glowing Skin

Amla contains antioxidants, proteins, and vitamin-C, which helps boost the blood circulation throughout the skin cells which helps to generate new skin cells and remove dead skin cells with protein and make skin glowing, tight and younger.

8. Purify The Blood

Due to excess of antioxidants, it helps to remove toxins from the blood and purify it which regulates the proper pumping of blood from the heart throughout the body.

9. Make Your Liver Healthy

Amla helps to remove toxins from the liver which makes it healthier. It contains Vitamin C and also contains Phosphorous, Calcium, Iron, Protein, Sodium, and Carbohydrates.Out of which  Protein helps to boost metabolic activities so improve digestion.

10. Helps To Balance Tri-Doshas In The Body

It will help you to balance Tri-Doshas (vaat-pitt-kapha) in the body.According to Ayurveda, It is Tri-Dosha Niwarak, So we can use Amla Juice as a health drink to stay away from diseases.

These are some of the benefits of Amla. If you know any other benefit of Amla then please share, I shall be thankful to you.

Thanks for reading the article.

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